Hightech potato breeding
The Hightech Potato Breeding Project saw Meijer Potato involved in the development and input of the latest technology in an ongoing breeding programme. During the project that ran from 2017 to the beginning of 2020, our breeding programme became a testing ground for new potato breeding techniques.
“Improved breeding programmes accelerate the pace in which more efficient and more effective varieties with a higher yield and quality are developed. This benefits the entire potato value chain”.
- Guus Heselmans
Bio-information and automation techniques were introduced to develop better varieties. The project drew companies such as Keygene, 3BM IT Solutions BV, Tecnic AutomationBV, Pegasus Geospatial Consulting and the University of Amsterdam together to pool their knowledge in the Meijer Potato breeding programme. The project was supported by a subsidy from the European Fund for Regional development from the OPZuid innovation programme, which is supplemented by the Province of Zeeland and the state.
On 2 July 2020, the subsidy project was concluded with a meeting. The technology used during the project will be used to accelerate and improve our breeding programmes in the future. Additionally, new collaboration was established with various partners.
About OPZuid
Het Operationeel Programma EFRO 2014-2020 Zuid-Nederland (OPZuid) is een Europees subsidieprogramma voor de provincies Zeeland, Limburg en Noord-Brabant. Speerpunten zijn innovatiebevordering en de overgang naar een koolstofarme economie. Het programma is met name gericht op het innovatieve MKB en het versterken van de samenwerking tussen bedrijfsleven, kennisinstellingen en overheden.
Dit project is mede mogelijk gemaakt door Europees Fonds voor Regionale Ontwikkeling, Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Provincie Zeeland in het kader van OPZuid.