Technology, research & development for better varieties
The development of new potato varieties takes years. The process from the first crossing to the availability of a new variety on the market takes about 8-12 years. At Meijer Potato, we focus our R&D activities on a more rapid introduction of new high value potato varieties. In this way, we are better able to respond to changes in demand and circumstances, and do so more rapidly.
“Innovation must lead to optimization and speed: more sustainable cultivation and improved utilization options for our new potato varieties”.
- Guus Heselmans
Innovating with technology
Acceleration in the development of our breeding programme is achieved through the use of the latest and socially accepted technologies available. We invest in the knowledge and development of our own people and in optimal cooperation with external partners.

DNA technology
We research potato DNA in order to discover the best markers out of millions of DNA fragments to accelerate and optimize the breeding programme. We utilize our gene pool to look for solutions for all sorts of challenges such as diseases, plagues, droughts, salinization or high temperatures. Our focus is on:
- A stable yield under diverse circumstances
- A high practical value for the whole potato chain
This is reflected well in our variety packageWatch the video to learn about how Meijer Potato develops new varieties.
Drones, robot technology
Using drone technology, we follow the crop growth and gain better insight into the yield determining genetics. This is not possible with the naked eye. We use robots to automize and accelerate the selection of seedlings cultivated in the laboratory – with the aid of DNA-markers.
Innovative harvesters
The greatest work continues to be carried out in the trial fields. This is where the new varieties need to distinguish themselves across an increasing range of factors such as soil type and climate(stress). To increase efficiency, innovative harvesters have been developed to literally and figuratively unearth potatoes fast and accurately for selection.
Investing in knowledge and talent
With the right inspiration and information, people are the most important link in our innovative approach when developing and marketing a quality variety. That means that we invest in training, the refinement of knowledge and expertise, and in long-term relationships that are valuable to our people, our organization and our variety range. In this way, we not only utilize the potential of the potato, but also that of the available technology. And so we use and enhance the potential and satisfaction of our people.
Working together with knowledge and research partners
Besides conducting its own research and development, Meijer Potato also collaborates on ambitious research projects to discover and develop the best genetics for new potato varieties. Our participation in the Op Zuid high-tech potato breeding project (Op Zuid project hightech potato breeding) is one example, and it will be followed-up on the aspects where further development is possible. Meijer Potato also participates in chain projects such as HIP (Holland Innovative Potato) and VLPB (Virtual Lab for Plant Breeding).
About HIP: Holland Innovative Potato (HIP) is a Dutch organization in which potato companies cooperate to facilitate and coordinate precompetitive research activities. Read more about HIP.
About VLPB: Meijer Potato works together with a group of 10 breeders in the Virtual Lab for Plant Breeding initiative. We initiate projects in the field of e-bioscience, bioinformatics and IT-infrastructure. All projects we collaborate on are precompetitive. We are particularly involved with research technology and infrastructure in order to promote and accelerate innovation in plant breeding. Read more about VLPB.