This declaration applies to all (candidate)varieties of Meijer Potato that are on the market or will be in future; both commercially and for testing.
Meijer Potato, August 2020
Meijer Potato develops new potato varieties in response to all the links in the potato value chain. We do this without making use of genetic modification. All varieties and candidate-varieties of Meijer Potato are NON-GMO.
Our standpoint
Meijer Potato is a member of Plantum. We support the vision of Plantum when it comes to breeding techniques. Read more about the Plantum vision here.
New breeding methods that make use of GMO are not permitted for commercial use without extra regulation. This is determined by the European laws and regulations. Meijer Potato supports this vision. Meijer Potato acknowledges new technologies by doing research and experimenting outside the R&D company in Rilland. As an innovative breeding company, it is important for us to keep up with the latest developments in our profession, all the possibilities and the associated advantages and disadvantages. New technology is of great value when it comes to improving processes and enabling more people to enjoy food.
Our NON-GMO declaration
Meijer BV, operating under the trade name Meijer Potato as a breeder of potato varieties, trader and exporter of potato propagating material, hereby declares that all Meijer Potato (candidate)potatoes on the market, or brought there, either for commercial purposes or for testing, have been developed through conventional breeding methods, without the use of genetic modification techniques that lead to genetically modified organisms (GMO).
NON-GMO is defined by the European Union in the Directive 2001/18/EG on the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms. This makes all Meijer Potato varieties in all countries around the world NON-GMO.
Definitions according to EU Directive 2001/18/EG
“Organism”: any biological entity capable of replication or of transferring genetic material.
“Genetically modified organism” (GMO): an organism, with the exception of human beings, in which the genetic material has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally by mating and/or natural recombination.