

In potato loving Turkey, Meijer Potato and Nejmi Inan work together in our joint venture named Inan Meijer Tohumculuk. Meijer Potato is renown for its specialst knowledge on potato cultivation in Turkey, that faces multiple challenges for potato cultivation. Inan Meijer Tohumculuk serves Turkey and its surrounding countries. 

Unlike the other Meijer Potato subsidiaries, Inan Meijer produces its own high quality seed potatoes. Our team of potato specialists, our state-of-the-art machines and technology and our high quality storage guarantee the highest quality of our seed potatoes. 

The Turkish market appreciates potato varieties with stable yields. Among our table varieties, Melody and Orchestra are very popular, Lady Olympia is used frequently for french fries and Lady Claire and Lady Rosetta are appreciated for their added value in the crisping segment. 

We will continue to focus on good connections to the market with our current and new varieties and on high quality seed potatoes. Our Turkish and Dutch colleagues collaborate to improve and develop new varieties, focussing on easy and high quality cultivation, harvesting and storage. 


Inan Meijer Tohumculuk
Gülşehir yolu 7. km PK.99


Tel: 0(384) 212 77 20
Tel: 0(384) 213 60 18