United Kingdom

United Kingdom

Meijer Seed Potato Ltd. is based in Norfolk, from where we serve our customers in the United Kingdom and Ireland. The company changed its name in 2015. The former Potato Innovations then became 'Meijer Seed Potatoes'. This 100% subsidiary is led by Paul Wood. In 2020, the company became Meijer Potato UK. 

Meijer Seed Potato Ltd. purchases and supplies Meijer Potato potato varieties. For purchasing, the subsidiary selects and contracts specialized potato growers that are able to deliver the high quality that distinguishes Meijer Potato and our varieties. The majority of seed potatoes for the United Kingdom and Ireland are grown in England and Scotland. Meijer Potato UK shares their knowledge about seed potato cultivation that lays a basis for high quality tubers. 

The mature market in which Meijer Seed Potato operates requires close contact with the entire potato chain. Our team of motivated sales colleagues in England knows every link in the chain and what's going on in the market. With their knowledge of potato cultivation and the potato market, they are revelant partners for users of all Meijer Potato varieties. 

Melody, Orchestra and Jazzy are popular table / salad potato varieties in the UK, that have proved their added value year after year. Newcomer Acoustic is gaining market share because of her robust characteristics for growers. Lady Rosetta has been a basic in the crisping industry for years. Lady Alicia, a new variety in the crisping portfolio is proving its added value by her high yields, good underwater weight and stable sugars. 

New varieties for new requirements and circumstances in this attractive market are being developed in close collaboration with Meijer Potato colleagues in the Netherlands. 


Meijer Seed Potato Ltd.
Bayfield Brecks Barns
Garden Lane
Norfolk NR25 7DZ

Phone: +44 1263 710602
